This picture gift book celebrates the natural history and mythology of the hare. With story pages and factual information.
A celebration of nature 'Hare' takes us back to the wild. The elusive majesty of the hare has inspired human imagination for centuries. This book looks at the natural history and mythology of this beautiful and playful creature. 'Hare' opens a window onto the natural world for young children. Little ones will join the hunt for the hare and enjoy reciting the ancient poacher's names for him. Older children will be fascinated by the legends and facts included at the end such as '10 Hare facts' and 'What's the difference between a hare and a rabbit?'
The paperback edition includes extra fact and activity pages for the younger reader. Sadly this is now out of stock and available for rights sales only. We have a limited number of the hardback edition in the office, to order via this website.
Download a MAZE activity sheet here
Download a WORDSEARCH activity sheet here
Download a BATTLESHIPS activity sheet here